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An introduction to the Women of Buzzbike featuring interviews with Nell, Ede, Charlotte and Martyna. If you are a woman who cycles, then you are probably tired of hearing “aren’t you brave!” and “I could never cycle, isn’t that a men’s frame?”. At Buzzbike, we are eager to end this stigma of female cyclists being few and far between and to challenge the perception of women in the cycling industry.  Recently, we discovered that men are twice as likely to cycle on a regular basis than women in all major cities in the UK. This also highlighted that 30% of women living in cities in the UK do not ride a bike, but would like to. 

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So, what is stopping them?

The Women of Buzzbike had a discussion and carried out some research into the barriers that women may face when getting into cycling, and how we can overcome these challenges to create equal opportunities for all cyclists. The main areas which are blocking women from getting into cycling compared to men include: 

Internal Barriers

  • Lack of confidence in their ability
  • Lack of induction for beginners
  • Lack of motivation to start cycling
  • Fewer role models to aspire to

External Barriers

  • Fewer bike sizes for females
  • Bike maintenance and DIY is traditionally “for men”
  • Stereotypical “lycra-clad” male cyclists are uninspiring for women
  • Patronising tone of voice and anger from other road users
  • Fear of sexual harassment when cycling (particularly at night)

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Buzzbike is available direct to consumer or via Buzzbike To Work. We have reinvented the government backed cycle to work scheme to offer all the benefits of Buzzbike paid via an employee’s monthly salary minus the tax. Some amazing companies have already enrolled on the scheme including:

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